You make many excellent points about veganism in your article and provide lots of good information. I do have to disagree with you on a couple of things.
Its completely possible to get all of the nutrients you need on a plant based diet. So many plant based foods are high in protein such as legumes and grains, tofu and tempeh and even some fruits and veggies offer some protein.
I also don't agree with your recommending meat replacements such as the impossible burger. It is a better choice that actual meat, but its still not very healthy. Its a highly processed foods with lots of oils and chemical ingredients. I think its okay to use these things sparingly. I eat seitan products myself. But as a general rule, getting your protein from more natural sources such as tofu, tempeh and legumes is the much better option.
I thank you for this article. If it persuades anyone to give up animal products then its served a great purpose.