I'm so sorry that the surgery has caused so many issues. I really sympathize with what your dealing with. I've dealt with weight issues my entire adult life and a lot of what you wrote about I've experienced myself. And, by the way, I think you and your MD are right that weight gain does not equal a fragrance allergy.
"You can't judge a health condition by its cover."
I love this. I don't know if health care in Australia is any different than in the U.S., but I don't have a lot of faith in western doctors anymore and you just spoke a lot to why.
I like your take on "loving your body" by trying to make it healthy, not just accepting the status quo.
congratulations on your new book. That's so exciting! I'm sorry your friends and family aren't more supportive. Have you ever asked them why they haven't bought your book?
Good luck in your weight loss efforts as you move forward and don't let judgemental people get you down. You're a beautiful lady.